【Tradition certification stamp】
伝統証紙は、伝統的工芸品産業の振興に関する法律(昭和49年法律第57号)に基づいて経済産業大臣が指定した指定伝統的工芸品(=伝統的な原材料を使用し、機械により大量生産されるものではなく、職人の手づくりにより100年以上前から今日まで続く伝統的な技術、技法を駆使して製作され、産地検査に合格したもの。)のみに使用が許可された証紙です。(詳細:一般財団法人 伝統的工芸品産業振興協会)
A traditional hand-made yumi is certified with a “Tradition Certification Stamp”.
To check whether your yumi is authentic and was traditionally made by a registered artisan, look for the sticker with the black and red logo on gold.
Nowadays it is possible to mass-produce yumi with the help of machines, and various bamboo bows of inferior quality are now circulating in the world.
Traditional certificate stickers are only permitted for traditional crafts designated and registered by the country.
(Details: Traditional Craft Industry Promotion Association)
Our craft workshop was designated as a traditional Japanese craft in April 1994.
Currently, there are only four traditional craftsmen (Shiho Ogura, Kurakichi Kusumi, Jyuho Minamizaki, Reimei Yokoyama) designated by the country.